Innovative environments within education...
Government websites and publications provide very good advice and information for teaching and other professionals where educational furniture is concerned.
However, when new projects come along and teaching professionals are asked to, say 'refurbish their classroom or block of classrooms', it can become too much work in a field in which they may not be experienced or knowledgable enough to ensure that the school receives true quality products and service, and true Value for Money. Professional help in this market can be extremely helpful in achieving the required learning environment.
"In a capital project there will be a direct relationship between the layout of the furniture and equipment (F & E). The importance of the layout exercise should not be underestimated."
DfES - Furniture & Equipment: A Purchasing Guide
CARE (Design & Furniture) Ltd realise that teaching professionals, these days, are already under pressure with increasing workloads and targets to achieve - Needless to say, dealing with a refurbishment project can sometimes cause an overload of work distracting the teacher from their job, and thus, possibly affecting the students progression and education.
The Teachernet website provides information on 'Key Issues' which can affect the choice for School Furniture and Equipment:
The Strength and Stability of Furniture - Quality furniture that will last.
Ergonomics - Careful choice in chairs and stools to provide correct seating posture.
Aesthetics - A pleasing environment can motivate and inspires both teachers and students.
Guarantees - These can vary. Question your supplier(s).
Maintenance - A quality specification is a long term investment avoiding year-on-year maintenance costs.
Value for Money - 'Do not assume that the cheapest is always the best'.
Co-ordinating furniture - 'Choose furniture which has been designing to co-ordinate with other items'.
Limited Range of furniture - 'Spaces which use the same Furniture and Equipment are more interchangeable & flexible'.
Creative Use of furniture - Careful thought can improve storage and teaching styles through innovative designs.
Multi-Functional furniture - 'Furniture which allows for a variety of activities can be an efficient use of floor space'.
Creative Use of furniture - Careful thought can improve storage and teaching styles through innovative designs.
Multi-Functional furniture - 'Furniture which allows for a variety of activities can be an efficient use of floor space'.
CARE (Design & Furniture) Ltd provides an experienced and professional consultancy service for the provision of effective, innovative furniture designs, reflecting the schools vision, in all areas of the schools internal environment: Secondary schools, Primary Schools and Community Centres, Libraries, Laboratories, Food Technology, Textiles, Design Technology, I.T., Reception Counters, Bespoke Designed Furniture, Loose Furniture, General Internal Joinery. Including full turnkey solutions of projects as a whole.
"In any project, be it a refurbishment or new build, it is important to create an image which reflects the teaching ethos of the school and also the importance the school attaches to it's environment." DfES - Furniture & Equipment: A Purchasing Guide.


CARE Design & Enhance can provide examples of furnished room layouts using a variety of serviced systems.
A laboratory should be flexible enough to respond to a wide and varying range of activities. The size of the space, the method of distributing services, and the choice of furniture system will all affect the way in which it can be used.

School libraries & LRC are essential to learning, and good design is seen as a central consideration in creating effective learning environments. College, Primary and Secondary school libraries need to be flexible, inspirational and above all, fit for purpose. Library use is rapidly changing and building design, layout, furnishings and fittings must change too.